hospital – hôpital

– Like in a monastery, you come in there with all your faith/liver ! Faith and lever translate in French in foi and foie, sounding exactly the same.

11 réflexions sur “hospital – hôpital

  1. Excellent! Et je comprends bien le double entendre (is double entendre actually used in French … we use it in English all the time to mean double meaning, often rather sexual but not necessarily). Anyway, I know you like to make a day brighter and you have brightened mine brilliantly 🌞

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    • Many thanks, Osyth ! Actually, we do not use « double entendre » in French though it sounds very French. We would call it a « double sens », double meaning or « sous entendu », literally « under heard » or implied. And indeed, the sexual conotation is part of French humour as well. Have a very good day.

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