voir rouge – see red

5756_voir rouge_100
– I see red !
– I also see the red !

17 réflexions sur “voir rouge – see red

    • Coincidence ! This is something I present in my conferences. In addition some people, mostly women, can see four colours, the fourth one being between red and green. Some people can see the 355 nm of aeolus ! And the mantis shrimp can see between 12 and 16 different colours, depending on scientists, wit polarization !
      Many thanks, Ulli, and have a super great weekend as well.

      Aimé par 2 personnes

  1. Le rouge a ses adeptes, le vert aussi & le jaune est à la mode
    Je pencherais plutôt au Cyan bigarré, si quelqu’un n’y voyait pas d’ inconvénient ?

    Aimé par 1 personne

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